Not Complicated

Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
My name is Ganesh Ramamurthy and am a dreamer in the course of life. I follow a simple fact in life "Don't do anything that will embarrass you, your family and your community (Country as a Whole). Guess why i started following this ? Because there is a lot that i have done to myself which has turned against me... That said have not forgotten the basics of living like a child!!! Love the life and it sure will love you

Dream More ,to be Places ...

I love to dream, i should tell you that am not lost in 'em. Dreams tell you wat you are n wat you feel about yourself.

Being intelligent is a gift why not use for the good of mankind?

Become a child and you will see there are lots that you have lost over the years by creating a personality within yourselves

Tough times don't last forever - We know this

Good times are never far - Get to know this

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wat failures can do

To those who take time to read my postings i thank you for your time... I would want to ensure i reach to that society where people have forgotten the word dreaming .

Am a big dreamer myself, trust me! When i was 4 years old , my dad used to take my mom and myself to the airport nearby in his bike (Yezdi) and he would make me stand on the wall for me to witness the take off and landing of flights i wanted to be a pilot then, because i was excited and thrilled about the wings, the wheels, the noise etc etc.. Isn't that somethin that we are more accustomed to ?? When we encounter a situation in life where we realise success and fame are in throwing distance the expressions and the noise inside us (Outwardly as well many a times) gives us a thrust and when this happens there is excitement and the result is far more than desired more often than not...

Each one of us do dream and aspire for a life that is full of richness (By all means). "Money is not everything but there is nothing without it (Except for love, incidentally that's a commodity rather a commercial aspect in modern day). Man sure did make needs, today needs are making nope defining mankind. Practically women children were considered to be a burden two decades ago that too with the invention of scanning mom's were capable of taking a closer look at their womb !!!!decision was abortion. Two decades later today there is a shortage of women for eligible bachelors. But i wonder where do people end up hooking a second marriage???

To be continued....

Good Decisions Don Make life Easy


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